Roasted Red Pepper Spread



Looking for something to do with your end of season red peppers (and a few tomatoes and some basil)?

Our CSA is having a sweet red pepper glut. My kids are not red pepper fans, so I don’t through them in to mid-week cooking and our collection stacks up until my husband or I do something with them.

Last year I jarred roasted red peppers.  They were great. I thought about doing it again this year, but it would have required a trip to the grocery store.

Looking through the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving I came across Roasted Red Pepper Spread. It only requires peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onion, vinegar, basil, sugar and salt. Peppers only require a hot water bath for canning, no need for the pressure canner. I know a few people in our extended family who might enjoy this, so I started roasting. It turned out great.

It’s easy, simple, no special ingredients and makes a great addition to wraps and egg sandwiches.

Let me know if you want the recipe!




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