Haiti Bags

January 27, 2014 by sarah | 0 comments


A group of friends are traveling to Haiti in several weeks to help with a medical mission. They will provide medical and dental care for families.  This may be the only medical and dental care these particular people in Haiti get for a year. To help these families carry the various medical supplies that they will be given many of us are making bags. Please help us make more bags.  It is a great way of using up scrap fabric. Here is a PDF of the instructions: HaitiBagInstruct-1. When you are finished please  mail them to our new address: Two Clever Moms, PO Box 264, Nutting Lake, MA 01821.


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January 14, 2014
by sarah

Salt Scrub

The week between Christmas and New Years we spent in South Carolina visiting family. Most of the trip was consumed by the “Awesome Club” which sounds a lot like Jenny’s kids and there cousins spy adventures when they gather together. … Continue reading