Car Naps


car nap

My littlest has gone through two big toddler milestones recently. Potty training and big girl bed. Both are mostly a success and bitter sweet. My baby is no longer a baby! She is now an independent little girl who refuses to take naps in her new bed. As a result car naps have become a daily thing for me. Thank goodness for smart phones and good books and sunny spots in the driveway. Here are some of the random things I have found while trying to be productive during the car naps.


Ari Fararooy Things if you only have time to check one of these links out – look at this one. Ari is a former student of mine. I taught him photography 8 years ago. I like to think I planted a little seed. Check out how he has grown.

First Kiss a little sexy, but beautiful!


40 Meals in 4 hours is very ambitiuos.

More food that should not exist is a little crass, but very funny.


The Mask You Live In is about raising boys.

Reaching my Autistic Son Through Disney is long, but worth a read about unconventional teaching methods working to reach a child.

Let Her Say No is about raising girls.


Freaks and Geeks Reunion



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