Concrete Pots


concrete planter 2Like most of the projects ideas I get, I found this one online somewhere. It probably popped up in Facebook or I went looking for something else and came across concrete pots. Like many project I see – I say, “I can do that”.

concrete planter1

I just used containers I had around the house. Mostly disposable food containers that lost their lids. All of them worked great except the one with a screw top. I couldn’t remove it from the container after the concrete dried.

concrete planter 4

I am hoping to give them to teachers, family, and friends for the holidays.

concrete planter 5

Note about Jade plant: I have inherited two huge jade plants that are very top heavy. I have figured out you can simply cut a branch and stick it in dirt and it will root, grow, and thrive. Jenny do want any??


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  1. Of course! I’m always up for new house plants!

  2. Pingback: More things to do with fused beads | Two Clever Moms

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