Roses are Red, Violets are Blue….


paper flowers3

Happy Valentines Day!!!

The former art teacher secret is out. My second grader’s teacher asked me to come in and do a Valentines Day art project with them. I went the flower route. We made bouquets for their families (one sweet boy was going to give his flowers to his neighbor who just had a baby).

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The kids had a choice between two different styles of flowers. The rose was made out of paper plates. Here is a link to the rose instructions. They required some cutting and twisting that challenged the kids fine motor skills. The peonies are made from tissue paper. Find the instructions here for the peonies. They were a bit simpler, but still had several steps that the kids had to follow. Most of them made both.  It was good to give them the options. I was  afraid the paper plate flower might of scared some of the kids off. They were able to take a break if they got frustrated with the rose and fold some tissue paper .

I also made these for the class.

paper flowe

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