Jenny’s Garden Update!


My husband has been working hard on the “off-season.” He revamped our raised beds this year. It was time to rotate the dirt because of a few crummy seasons of the bigger tomatoes in a couple of the boxes. I take no credit for anything.


He built two more beds and we retired some of the older beds. He had fun and is very proud of building and installing a new PVC drip irrigation system. He also build some “structures” for the pea and bean supports. They kind of look cool, though we had very  different design ideas and how to plant around them.  The peas have sprouted, but the beans don’t seem as eager.



He’s also been working on tomatoes from seeds indoors with a lot of grow lamp time. They are BIG!



While walking the dog tonight, we saw deer, turkey, and some unidentified very quick black animal. The mosquitoes started biting and a ladybug hitched a ride into the house on my sleeve. The neighbor’s lilacs and few types of flowers in our yard aren’t the only things out early this year!

Happy Spring!


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