Now we are painting acorns.



As the seasons are changing we have moved on from collecting beach rocks to collecting acorns. My little one is very particular about “perfect” intact acorns. As you can imagine there are piles all over the yard and house. When I saw this post for Happy Acorn Necklaces I thought we had to try it. Maybe be able to use the acorn.


We decided not to make faces and painted on letters instead. She has painted the tops and bottoms, we let them dry, and then I paint the letter requested on them. We have made them for her teachers, friends, and family.


  • I was surprised by how hard the tops of acorns are. I was worried that I would crack them while drilling. No way they were hard to drill.
  • The old ice cube tray was helpful in sorting the tops and bottoms that fit.img_3206 img_3201
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