When I see a link or recipe I like on my phone I leave the phone browser window open to that link and open new browser windows. After some amount of time, I either realize the link wasn’t that important, or I’ll finally try it out or send it to my laptop to make into a bookmark or printout.
At some point in the summer, I came across this picture. I don’t remember where it came from, but here is the link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10551037_738562906205489_3863202595985666569_n.jpg , which is just to jpg, and not a website. I tried googling “rock painting cactus garden” to find and give credit to the original artist, but only got sidetracked by other really cool art and didn’t find the original source (lots of pinterest pins to this though), so if this is your art, let me know so I can link to you!
I thought this was very cool idea even though some rocks sort of look more like cucumbers than cacti to my kids and I. I love both the original idea in the picture and as the inspiration for other projects. I imagined all sorts of ideas with this concept – making other rock garden/planters with different trees/forests/gardens and flowers painted on the rocks, and mixing rock paintings with live plants in planters as gifts. Be sure, I’ve seen plenty of rock ladybugs and turtles in my day, but how about painting rock garden gnomes for house plants? Or giraffes reaching up to eat some leaves of a potted plant or flower? A fox or owl hiding behind a stem? So many ways to go with this. If you search for rock painting ideas you’ll be impressed, amazed and inspired by other ideas.
I think this would make a very cool gift for someone or project to add to houseplants you already have at home. This would be a great way to use the rocks you’ve picked up over the summer, or a reason to stock up on rocks of inspiring shapes on your last beach (or other) outings of the season.
I do not own rights to this picture or the idea and I do not claim to, I’d love to give credit to the owner, if you know where it came from!
August 19, 2014 at 11:32 pm
I saw this last night on Pinterest and thought it was a great project. Of course there were many other pins along with it that caused me to spend way too much time looking at painted rocks! Seems we are on the same page!