Here in Massachusetts we just enjoyed our first springlike weekend. If you have never lived in Massachusetts then you may not appreciate the rarity of springlike weather. Our “nice” spring days are generally considered some day in February when the sun is out and the thermometer reaches the mid 40s, and then a handful days in April where you don’t need the heat on at night or the air conditioner during the day. It goes quick, but it’s evident that we know how to celebrate spring. People are outside walking, riding bikes, or doing yard work and the lawn goes from yellow to green within hours.
Happy Spring tomatoes that didn’t like the hardening process! Enjoy composting in my woods. (I don’t think that I’ll try those biodegradable pots again!)
Happy Spring tomato plants that look a little better!
Happy Spring ant holes that just appeared in the sidewalk!
Good bye, bird feeders! There’s enough food for our feathered friends now. Enjoy your rest in the shed.
Happy Spring, tree buds and sedum and whatever you are that has left my eyes itchy and watering and my nose running just getting close enough to take a picture of you.
Happy Spring to the all of the toys that will be left out in the yard.
Happy Spring, friends! You made it through the winter!