Birthday Banner


It is birthday season in my house. Pretty much from the end of summer to mid January we have a flow of celebrating. The main concentration in October and November. The rest of the week I am going to post about different fun things that I have done, friends have done, or plan to do for birthdays.

The birthday banner tacks stay in the wall in the dinning room, supporting this banner often these days.

Birthday Banner


  • one yard of fabric for flags. Fleece or felt is nice because the edges do not fray.
  • half yard of contrasting fabric for letters. It can be all the same fabric or different.
  • thread
  • sewing machine
  • scissors
  • chalk
  • ribbon


  1. Cut the yard of fabric into 13  equal sized flags. In the picture the flags are square. I have made banners with triangle flags as well.
  2. If the flag fabric frays – either  fold the edges over, iron them, and hem the edges or stitch the edges with the zigzag stitch of the sewing machine.
  3. With a piece of chalk draw letter on the other fabric. Cut them out.
  4. Pin one letter to each flag.
  5. Sew the letters on to the flags around the edge of the letters using the zigzag stitch of the sewing machine.
  6. Lay out all the finished flags in order. Measure the ribbon so that you have about a yard at the beginning and end of the words.
  7. Make a pile of the flags starting with the last letter. The first letter of should be on the top of the pile. (H in this case)
  8. Sew the flags to the ribbon leaving about a yard at the beginning and end. The flags of each word should touch each other. Leave a little space between the words.


I have made many name banners as well. I am thinking of making a “Thank You” one for Thanksgiving. Any word or phrase that is important to you can be made into a banner.

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  1. Love the banner!

  2. Sarah,
    I am working on my own this weekend at my Sisters’ Craft Day!! I’ll share post-production pic!!

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