Boredom and The Carrot


Summer vacation starts for us next week. I am excited. I think I am in the sweet spot. My oldest is still young enough to have fun at a playground or wants to snuggle. And my youngest is more and more independent. I going to bring a chair to the beach and maybe something to read.

I have been thinking about a couple things:

  1. Summer School – I have been making these little books. Each kid has customized ones. Names, different width of lines, and color. Check out this video to see how to make them (Hint – dental floss = waxed thread) We have been thinking about reading and writing goals. I am going to use some of these printable too. IMG_2453 IMG_2452 IMG_2451
  2. Boredom – I want my kids to be bored this summer. I know I have to get over the initial banter and fighting that starts when they are bored. I have to be patient and push through and remember that the coolest forts, funniest games, and most creative art projects come out of boredom.
  3. The Carrot – To make both number 1 and 2 work I need to figure out the carrot for my children. I think it will be screen time. Maybe ice cream for dinner. What is the carrot you use?
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  1. Just read an article yesterday that talked about summer boredom ! Good luck this summer with your carrots!

  2. Pingback: For the Love of Sketchbooks | Two Clever Moms

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