Salad to Stamps


My true Yankee blood is always looking for a deal. I also have a nine month old baby. For these two reasons I go straight to the very ripe/discount produce cart at the super market. The fruit or veggies go right into the blender when I get home for the baby. The big draw back is that the produce is package on styrofoam trays. We usually use and reuse them for paint trays. But they started to stack up. What else can we do with them?

Stamps of course!!

Salad to Stamps Project


  • Styrofoam tray
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Brushes (optional)
  • Paper


  1. Cut out shapes from the trays. Be mindful of the size of your child’s hands when decided how big to cut them.
  2. Either paint the shapes with brushes or place the shape right into the paint tray. Then flip them over onto the paper, pressing evenly over the whole shape.


Other Resources

Color theory – Talk about red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors. All other colors can be created from them. We are big fans of tie dye in our house. Encourage your kids to mix colors and then apply it to the shape. Or paint different colors on the shape at the same time and see how the tie dye blending will turn out.

Reuse, recycle –  It is much more fun to reuse things than to just throw it away!!


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