Something I’ll miss

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I’m not a hugely sentimental person.

I didn’t cry when the car seat became front facing. I definitely am not nostalgic when it comes to breastfeeding. I was good with the kids getting on the bus for the first time. While looking at their old Robeez used to get me a little, I’ve always felt pretty good about aging out of certain life and community events.

(Besides the incoming tween angst/attitude), I’ve really enjoyed my kids growing up. So far, they’ve only become more fun and interesting with time. But over the past few weeks I’ve really come to appreciate something that I think I’ll miss as my kids grow up.

I’m going to miss finding their toys set up after they’ve gone to school and imagining the laughing, talking to themselves and each other that was going on before it was abandoned.

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One Comment

  1. This just made me cry! I love their imaginations!

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