Stress Balls


This summer has been CRAZY here! And for a lot of people we know. A lot of curve balls thrown into the mix. We haven’t had the opportunity to really tackle any of our summer bucket list (thankfully we didn’t write it down this year) and school is starting soon.

One of the things my daughter had really hoped to do this summer was make stress balls. A few kids in her class had come back from the guidance counselor in the spring with some stress balls that they had made, and she’s wanted to try it since. My kids have made a multiple attempts since then (a quick easy version is putting flour in a ziploc sandwich bag, shoving that into a balloon and tying a knot in the balloon), but we never really got truly satisfactory versions.

This week, we set our sights on working on this, and have achieved good results. It definitely takes some practice, patience and sharp scissors to get something to work out nice.


We haven’t tried a huge amount of fillers, but now that we have a good technique down think we’ll mix it up a little more. Our favorite tutorials and end product was this one using flour and balloons (and sharp scissors recommended!):


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