Here’s another something I’ve seen online a bunch: Homemade CoffeeMate.
I enjoy CoffeeMate. Sometimes I drink coffee purely because I’m craving a sugar rush – this particularly applies to the Tollhouse Cookie flavor CoffeeMate and sometimes the Italian Sweet Cream. Sometimes thinking about the chemicals, calories and whatnot in the CoffeeMate grosses me out. I’ve mostly weened myself off CoffeeMate, and drink much of my coffee black, with a little half and half, or only with a little sugar, occasionally, I still use CoffeeMate.
Now that it’s summer vacation, and we need a little spice of excitement in our lives to start the day, I decided to finally try the Homemade Coffee Creamer recipe from Mrs. Happy Homemaker.
The recipe has just two ingredients for the original flavor. My 10 year old came in when I was getting things prepped and ended up making it in the amount of time it took me to empty the top rack of the dishwasher (she also took these pictures!).
We poured it in my travel mug with some coffee to head to an early orthodontist appointment. It tastes just like CoffeeMate. I think. As mentioned, I tend toward the flavored versions. Actually, it tastes like coffee with a touch of sweetened condensed milk, which is good enough.
It’s definitely a good alternative to CoffeeMate, maybe cheaper, but definitely nice to know the ingredients in your mug!